Images of Bloomington Indiana
Historic Architecture

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Images: Bloomington

Monroe County Courthouse

Constructed of Indiana limestone.
1910. National Register of Historic Places.

Monroe County Courthouse Detail

Three figures over the south entrance.

Former City Hall

122 South Walnut Street. 1915.
National Register of Historic Places.

116 South Walnut Street


116-120 South College Avenue

302 South College Avenue


Kresge Building

101 North College Avenue

107 North College Avenue

115 North College Avenue

205 North College Avenue

Graham Plaza

Former Masonic Lodge

120 West Seventh Street.

Curry Buick Company

214 West Seventh Street

Illinois Central Freight Station

301 North Morton Street. 1902.
National Register of Historic Places.

First Presbyterian Church

221 East Sixth Street

Carnegie Library

202 East Sixth Street. 1918.
National Register of Historic Places.